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This is Butch, some people say he had the biggest scare, and that explains the white streak on his hair!

atvbull1.gif (147 bytes)Name:Butch

atvbull1.gif (147 bytes)Last Name: Unknown

atvbull1.gif (147 bytes)What's the Scariest story you've told?: i'd say the one about my big brother joey and krissy, It was a horrible sight seein' em kissin' and their lips slurpin' an' smackin'

atvbull1.gif (147 bytes)Whats with Jimmy Cratmer, and Stinkey Petersen?: well, with jimmy cratmer, he's been throught so much junk an' stuff, it makes a kid wonder what'll happen next to the kid, and Stinkey Petersen, i just get told stories about 'im!

atvbull1.gif (147 bytes)Final words from Butch: "i'm not gonna say anything else, or i might be breakin the kids unwritten code of honour"

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This Site Was Created By Ashley @ Thunder Tech Systems 1998 - 2001