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Here as promised are the pictures that makes this site look good!(The Quality of the shots are good, Sorry about the Disney Channel and other Symbols in the corners, but they are still good quality pictures)

and today there have been quite a few added!

Warning, this page can take upto 3-5 minutes to fully appear, because of the size of the pictures

Spinelli in a Scrap, Don't ever say the "G" Word in front of her! OK!

Mikey is Pleased because he is now able to dance for a real live Audience With Spinelli!

Gus is complementing Spinelli and Mikey on their Brilliant Dance Performance!(That Rocked)

Spinelli is about to be told the rest of her teacher's "little girl back in old country" story!

The Recess Gang!

Ashley B Agreeing with Ashley A (Episode "Beauty Contest")

Spinelli Performing "Swannie River" on the legendary "Armpit"(Now that's Comedy)

Ashley Spinelli in the spotlight, Will She Will The Contest, and show the Ashleys?

And The Winner Is........ASHLEY SPINELLI!, (What'd ya think i was gonna do, CRY?)

Regelli VS Spinelli!!!!!(Regelli Sticks out like a sore thumb)

Mikey Doing His Usual Poetry, Writing on his Glove? sheesh!!!!!!(Arn't they expensive?)

Spinelli'll Hit That Ball HARD, "Zip up yer parka's Boys, i'm sendin this one to siberia"

Hey It's Mikey, No Wait, Vince????, What's Goin' on here?(What a Copy Cat)

Yay, Give a cheer for vince, no wait, Mikey???, Somethin' Wrong Here!!(He's Tryin To Make A Point)

Ooooh, randall's Got it comin' if he's not careful, (Careful spinelli, or you'll break 'im)

"You Won't Be Needing This, Randall"

Ashley A has a diabolical plot in store for the recess gang (Mainly for Gus)

Ashley Q's Suggestion, (Spreading a Rumour, About The Swinger Girl)

"Really Ashley Q, That is like, So Last Week, Huh, What a Boring Recess"

"Ooooo SCAN - DA - LOUS"

"Hi Gus, What ya doin?", "Oh nothin' You know, just tryin to get a drink"

Guess What Happens Next? (Thats Right "It's My Harmonica", "JINX") The Ashleys "The Girls You Love, TO HATE!!!!!

"Ah, Ah, Ah, That's Against the kids unwritten code of honour" (Basically He Can't Talk)

Later, The Ashleys Are Still Tryin To stop gus' Name From Being Said!(Spinelli look really Mad)

Gus Crossed The 6th Grade Line, without even realising (He has to answer to King Bob)

Ashley A's thinking "It's Like, a pity you can't talk GUS"

Laughing At Gus' Misfortunate Fate! (They're Having Fun)

Gus is in Deep Trouble, And The Ashleys Are Still Laughing, Geez!(It's Kinda Funny)

"Who'd Have Though, One Little Jinx Could Be So Much FUN"

Screen Shots from my Fave episode now! FIRST NAME ASHLEY

"He's Behind You, infact, Don't look, You Might Scare Him" (Li'l Snitch)

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"Oh Ashley A" Good sweet mike, It's like that little snitch Randall

"Randall, Not only are you a snitch, But Also A LOSER"

"huh?, Whats That Thing Under The Table, i don't like Spiders"

Uh oh, Finster doesn't look too happy (would you be if you had randall working for ya?)

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Uh oh, looks like Randall has found something of interest

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Watch out Spinelli, He's got something up his sleeve (either that or he's got crayons in his ears)

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is what randall just said about spinelli really that shocking? (the other kids seem to think so)

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Oh No, Now EVERYONE knows Spinelli's Terrible Secret (SHE'S AN ASHLEY)

"It's not that i Hate The Name Ashley, It's Just that, well for as long as i can remember, every other girl named Ashley's always been, ONE OF THEM"

"Yeah Right, Send in the Clowns, PowderPuff"

"Any Kid Named Ashley, must become a member of the Ashleys if invited by another Ashley"

Imagine Being there, you'd think "i don't wanna go" "erm, Gretchen, Please can you shut up, or else they'll hear you"

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The Ashley's Clubhouse? But.....it's....just a bunch of old tyres, isn't it?

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hey d'ya ever get the feeling they might be up to something?

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Eeeeek, The Ashleys are aliens, no wait, thats some sorta mud, as if the Ashleys needed to be any better lookin'

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"huh?, who let them in here?" (Watch out Ashleys, The cavelry is COMING for spinelli)

What Upside Down girl is really tryin to say is "i'd like a soda, Please"


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This Site Was Created By Ashley G @ Thunder Tech Systems 1999 - 2000